

Pre-Screening Questionnaire

The following questions are required when entering the Aerial Dance Theater* and Brockus Project Studio* premises:
*These studios are home to the RUBY KAREN PROJECT, ORANGE COUNTY AERIAL ARTS, AERIAL ARTS AMERICA AND CIRCO ETEREO customers, staff and guests

If you or someone you are with:

  • Has a fever, cough or shortness of breath
  • Has been in contact with someone was tested positive for COVID-19, or showed any of the above symptoms for the past 14 days
  • Has traveled locally or internationally to any of the COVID-19 Hotspots, including hospitals, nursing homes, places of worship or other areas where people gathered in enclosures or limited ventilation within 14 days
  • Has visited congested areas, including gatherings were social distancing was not observed or masks not required within 14 days

If so, please report this to Luca, Ruby or any staff onsite.

Note:  Wearing of mask at all times while inside our studio is required.   Thank you for your cooperation.

About the author

ruby karen